Remember, affirmations are most effective when repeated regularly with belief and intention. Embrace these affirmations 
as powerful tools to connect with your higher self and attract abundant blessings into your life.
These affirmations are aimed at three specific chakras 
Root Chakra (Muladhara):

"I am..."
"I have..."
"I am grounded..."
"I am safe..."
"I am connected to the Earth..."

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

"I feel..."
"I embrace..."
"I enjoy..."
"I allow myself to..."
"I am creative..."

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

"I can..."
"I am confident..."
"I am powerful..."
"I manifest..."
"I am in control..."

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

"I love..."
"I am loved..."
"I forgive..."
"I am compassionate..."
"I am open to giving and receiving love..."

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

"I express..."
"I speak my truth..."
"I communicate with clarity..."
"I am heard..."
"I am authentic..."

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

"I see..."
"I trust my intuition..."
"I am aware..."
"I am connected to my inner wisdom..."
"I have clear vision..."

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

"I am..."
"I know...."
"I am one with the universe..."
"I am connected to the divine..."
"I am open to spiritual guidance..."
"I am in alignment with my higher self..."

I know that I am connected to a limitless source of abundance.
I see the abundance around me and welcome it into my life.
I feel the presence of my higher self guiding me towards abundance.
I know that my higher self is always leading me towards my highest good.
I see the opportunities for abundance that come my way.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance in my life.
I know that I am worthy of receiving abundance in all areas of my life.
I see myself as a magnet for abundance, attracting it effortlessly.
I feel the energy of abundance flowing through me.
I know that my thoughts and beliefs shape my experience of abundance.
I see abundance as a natural state of being.
I feel a deep sense of peace and trust in the abundance of the universe.
I know that my higher self has a perfect plan for my abundance.
I see abundance as an infinite and ever-expanding force in my life.
I feel the power of my higher self aligning me with abundance.
I know that abundance flows to me easily and effortlessly.
I see myself as deserving of all the abundance that comes my way.
I feel a sense of joy and excitement when I think about abundance.
I know that my higher self is always working for my highest good, including abundance.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner worth and value.
I feel a deep sense of abundance in every aspect of my life.
I know that abundance is my birthright and I claim it now.
I see abundance as a divine gift that I gratefully receive.
I feel the energy of abundance expanding within me and around me.
I know that I am co-creating abundance with the universe.
I see abundance as a flow that is constantly replenishing itself in my life.
I feel a deep sense of trust in the abundance of the universe.
I know that my higher self is always guiding me towards greater abundance.
I see abundance as a natural extension of my higher self.
I feel a sense of abundance in every breath I take.
I know that abundance is available to me in unlimited ways.
I see myself surrounded by abundance in every area of my life.
I feel the presence of my higher self guiding me towards abundant opportunities.
I know that I am worthy of receiving all the abundance I desire.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner beliefs and expectations.
I feel a deep sense of appreciation for the abundance that surrounds me.
I know that my higher self has a perfect plan for my abundance and success.
I see abundance as a natural state of being that I effortlessly tap into.
I feel the energy of abundance flowing through every cell of my body.
I know that abundance is a vibration that I align myself with.
I see myself as a co-creator of abundance, working in harmony with the universe.
I feel a sense of gratitude for the abundance that is already present in my life.
I know that my higher self is always guiding me towards greater abundance and prosperity.
I see abundance as a sign of my spiritual growth and alignment.
I feel the power of my higher self supporting and guiding me towards abundance.
I know that abundance is a natural result of my alignment with my higher self.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance that flows into my life.
I know that my higher self is always leading me to opportunities for abundance.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner state of being.
I feel a sense of harmony and balance as abundance flows into my life.
I know that I have the power to manifest abundance in all areas of my life.
I see myself as a vessel for divine abundance to flow through.
I feel the presence of my higher self guiding me towards abundant experiences.
I know that abundance is a natural expression of my true self.
I see abundance as a constant and ever-present force in the universe.
I feel a deep sense of peace knowing that abundance is always available to me.
I know that my higher self is always supporting me in my journey towards abundance.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner beliefs and alignment.
I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as I attract more abundance into my life.
I know that I am a powerful creator, capable of manifesting unlimited abundance.
I see myself surrounded by a world of infinite possibilities and abundance.
I feel the energy of abundance flowing through me, energizing every aspect of my life.
I know that abundance is a natural state of being, and I embrace it fully.
I see abundance as a gift that I receive with open arms and a grateful heart.
I feel a deep sense of fulfillment as I align with my higher self and abundance.
I know that my thoughts and emotions shape my experience of abundance.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner worthiness and self-love.
I feel a sense of abundance in my relationships, health, finances, and every area of my life.
I know that my higher self is always guiding me towards the path of abundance.
I see abundance as a natural flow of energy that I tap into effortlessly.
I feel a sense of abundance in the present moment, knowing that all my needs are met.
I know that the universe is abundant and always provides for me.
I see myself as a co-creator with the universe, manifesting abundance with ease.
I feel the presence of my higher self empowering me to attract abundance.
I know that abundance is a mindset, and I choose to cultivate thoughts of abundance.
I see abundance as a reflection of my inner alignment with my higher self.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance that flows into my life every day.
I know that my higher self is always guiding me towards the highest expression of abundance.
I see abundance as a natural outcome of my alignment with my true purpose.
I feel a sense of abundance and prosperity radiating from within me.
I know that abundance is not limited by external circumstances or conditions.
I see myself as a magnet for opportunities, wealth, and success.
I feel the energy of abundance expanding and amplifying in my life.
I know that my higher self is always nudging me towards greater abundance and joy.
I see abundance as a reflection of my divine heritage and birthright.
I feel a deep sense of abundance in my heart, radiating outwards into the world.
I know that the universe is conspiring in my favor, bringing me abundant blessings.
I see abundance as a state of flow and ease, where resources and opportunities align effortlessly.
I feel a sense of peace and serenity knowing that abundance is always available to me.
I know that my higher self is always guiding me towards the path of abundance and fulfillment.
I see abundance as a natural extension of my authentic self.
I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance that surrounds me in every moment.
I know that I am a co-creator of my reality, and I choose to create abundance in all areas of my life.
I see myself as a channel for divine abundance to flow through and bless others.
I feel the energy of abundance expanding within me, aligning me with limitless possibilities.
I know that abundance is not limited by time or space - it is always available to me.
I see abundance as a harmonious dance between my desires and the universal flow of energy.
I feel a sense of empowerment and liberation as I embrace my birthright of abundance.
I know that my higher self is always whispering guidance and inspiration to lead me towards abundance.
I see abundance as a multidimensional experience, encompassing wealth, love, joy, and spiritual growth.

These affirmations are for the throat chakra- I speak

I speak words of abundance and prosperity into my life.
I speak with clarity and confidence, aligning my words with my higher self's guidance.
I speak affirmations of abundance, inviting prosperity to flow into every area of my life.
I speak my truth and express my authentic self, creating a space for abundance to manifest.
I speak words of gratitude for the abundance that surrounds me.
I speak with intention and purpose, co-creating abundance with the universe.
I speak positively about money, inviting greater financial abundance into my life.
I speak words of love and abundance, attracting harmonious relationships and connections.
I speak with unwavering faith in the abundance of the universe and my own worthiness.
I speak affirmations of success, knowing that I am destined for abundance.
I speak words of empowerment, recognizing my innate ability to attract abundance.
I speak words of abundance into the world, knowing that my voice has the power to manifest my desires.
I speak words of abundance and generosity, sharing my blessings with others.
I speak my dreams into reality, knowing that my words shape my destiny.
I speak affirmations of abundance with conviction, magnetizing wealth and prosperity into my life.
I speak words of gratitude for the abundant opportunities that come my way.
I speak affirmations of abundance, trusting that the universe will bring forth limitless blessings.
I speak words of worthiness and deservingness, opening the doors for abundance to enter my life.
I speak with love and compassion, inviting abundance to flow into my relationships.
I speak affirmations of abundance with enthusiasm and belief, activating the manifestation process.
I speak words of wisdom and guidance, connecting to the infinite knowledge of my higher self.
I speak words of abundance into the present moment, attracting prosperity in the here and now.
I speak my dreams and desires into existence, knowing that my voice holds the power of creation.
I speak affirmations of abundance, aligning my thoughts and words with the frequency of prosperity.
I speak affirmations of abundance, realizing that my words have the ability to transform my reality.

Remember to speak these affirmations with conviction and belief, allowing them to anchor 
you to your higher self and open the floodgates of abundance into your life.